November 11, 2020

CARSTAR Salutes Veteran in Its Franchise Partner Network This Remembrance Day


CARSTAR, North America’s premier network of independently-owned collision repair facilities, is saluting one of the many Veterans in its’ Canadian network this Remembrance Day.

“Through the CARSTAR family, many of our franchise partners and corporate team members served their country in the military,” said Dean Fisher, collision group president, Driven Brands. “We are proud to recognize them for their service and honour their roles today at CARSTAR. Military service builds skills, commitment, integrity and leadership, and these attributes greatly contribute to their success in the collision repair industry today.”

CARSTAR is saluting one team member on Remembrance Day for his service to his country, and his continuing service to his community — Zach Gallant, Store Manager, CARSTAR Centennial in Summerside, Prince Edward Island.

Gallant was a Mobile Support Equipment Operator within the Canadian Regular Force Army for approximately six years. He is now the captain in his local fire department and is the store manager. Not only does he work tirelessly to provide the highest-quality repairs to customers at CARSTAR Centennial Summerside, but he also dedicates his hours away from work to help protect local residents from fire and accident dangers.

“As someone who served in the Royal Canadian Navy for many years, I have great respect for those like Zach Gallant, who also served their country,” said Tony Mammone, Senior National Director of Operations for CARSTAR in Canada. “I’m proud to count them among our franchise partners, colleagues and friends.”
